Trump Tax Day Big in Denver and Across Nation

trump tax dayContradicting President Donald Trump’s assertion that no one was interested in his tax returns, thousands at Denver’s Civic Center amphitheater brought their signs and their voices to prove otherwise.  Some signs bore messages similar to J20 protests the day of the Trump inauguration.  Others were similar to messages carried at the Women’s March the next day, and others specifically called for the release of Trump’s tax returns on Saturday April 15, Tax Day.

trump tax daySamantha Montgomery was credited for organizing the event once she learned of a nationwide day of action, “Political activism must become more than a trend but a way of life that can bring family and friends together.  The question I am asked most often regarding this matter is, ‘Why do you want to see his tax returns?  Why do you care so much?  Why go to all the effort?’  The short answer is that I felt silenced by our president saying no one cared.”  In a letter she wrote to the President she told Trump, “I want to be certain that you are not going to sell us out.”

Speaking was also Representative Joe Salazar who recently announced his candidacy for Colorado Attorney General. He criticized current Attorney General Cynthia Coffman for failing to do anything to hold the Trump Administration accountable, “What about what you can do as the Attorney General in this state? Do you see her doing anything about it? Do we hear her saying, ‘I want to see if there are any conflicts of interest that might harm Coloradans?’ Do you see her doing anything about it?”

Salazar is a co-sponsor onto HB 1328 which will require anyone running for President to be required to show tax returns in order to appear on the ballot in Colorado.  The bill will be heard in committee on Monday April 17, 2017.



Messages on some signs carried similar messages:

Marchers conveyed what matters to them:


Completing the event as a family affair, children brought their messages to relay to Donald Trump:


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