About Us




The Nation Report is a collective of independent reporters who aspire to acknowledge underrepresented voices, issues, individuals, and facts which are excluded or are misrepresented by corporate, for-profit, mainstream, or dominant media.  These issues have a space in The Nation Report.

We report from on location locally, nationally, and internationally and file reports either from where we are or from where we have recently reported in order to update reports.  We are nonprofit, work pro-bono and are not embedded with any for-profit entity.

As much of our reporting involves violence and preventing violence, we hold a policy of not warning readers of graphic material.  Our position is that the victims of the violence did not have the opportunity to be warned, and therefore we will not attempt to protect readers from the reality of those experiences.  In order to provide the most clear representation of the subjects we cover, we will provide coverage in as real time and under as real circumstances as we are able.

All photography is the work of The Nation Report unless credit is noted otherwise on the rare occasion the work of others is reproduced.

Policy to other media outlets regarding reproducing our material: 

No need to ask.  We previously did not support a policy of crediting us, but found this necessary when there was confusion about some of our work.  Therefore we require a notation of credit for using our work, however we do not have the capacity to sign waivers or permissions, so please do not request this of us.  

Your permission hereby lies in the aforementioned conditions.  Thanks!


We can be contacted at news@thenationreport.org.

We do not utilize Facebook.

Twitter:  @thenationreport


Photo taken from a hotel room in the tiny village of Ahuas in Honduras in the days following the 2012 US DEA massacre of villagers who were returning home by canoe for Mother’s Day.  Ahuas is only accessible by river or in the case of the military, by helicopter.  The US never took responsibility nor did the US provide financial compensation to support the families of those killed or to those who were injured.  The extreme and ongoing human rights abuses happening in Honduras are little reported in the US.  Our staff considers this issue a priority despite the risk to journalists to openly report on the oppression and repression currently taking place in the country.  As Honduras consistently ranks at the top globally for risks to journalists and journalist assassinations, we covertly enter and exit the country.  The government of Honduras has in 2016 waged an escalated government-owned – along with a corporate-owned – media attack on international observers and international journalists that includes circulating photos of reporters and personal data believed by human rights activists to be collected at airport immigration.  Despite these risks, and death threats we have received from anonymous sources in Honduras, we will continue to update our readers as we are able.