Global-wide Direct Actions to Support Standing Rock: San Francisco Sunrise Response

dapl action

A sunrise action began at city hall in San Francisco and ended at the US Army Corps of Engineers to call for final permit denial of the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota. (all photos: The Nation Report)

SAN FRANCISCO-A sunrise action in San Francisco to answer the call for support for those protecting the water, land, and sacred sites at Standing Rock in North Dakota is currently underway.  Water protectors have especially wanted supporters to address the Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Defense federal entity charged with approving permits that have an effect on the environment.

Thousands from across the nation have erected a camp at Standing Rock to remain through the winter to continue to defend the water and land that are at risk of contamination from an expected oil spill from the Dakota Access Pipeline currently under construction near Cannonball, North Dakota.  The movement and the camp have received international support and high profile visits such as from Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and Democratic Party candidate Bernie Sanders.  Those at the front lines of the action have endured a heavy political backlash supported by military style weapons and equipment, and a police department that is heavily funded and has questionable relationships with pipeline owners.

dapl action

Hundreds gathered in front of city hall in San Francisco to participate in a sunrise ceremony.  The sunrise ceremony was held before heading over to the offices of the US Army Corps of Engineers to ask that it stand in solidarity with water protectors and against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The Nation Report has a reporter on location for further coverage.  We will also bring you on-location coverage from the Boulder and Denver actions.


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